WebCatalog Desktop only supports paid streaming services on macOS. If you're using Windows, you won't be able to watch videos on platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Max, or Spotify.
This is because these services require Widevine DRM, a technology used to protect copyrighted content. While WebCatalog supports it on macOS, it is not available on Windows due to technical limitations.
If you need to stream videos, we recommend using a web browser or the official apps for these services. You can find the web versions of most paid streaming services in our catalog at https://webcatalog.io/
Even though WebCatalog Desktop on macOS supports Widevine DRM, enabling access to some paid streaming services, because streaming platforms might use additional copyright protection methods, some services may still not be fully compatible with WebCatalog Desktop.
We cannot guarantee that all streaming services will work, so for the best experience, we recommend using their official apps or websites.